The BLABO® system

- Automatic oil tank cleaning system for crude oil, HFO and other black oil tanks

Our patented BLABO® system is an automated, mobile and modular, non-man entry oil tank cleaning system. Especially designed to clean large volume, difficult-to-clean oil tanks, the BLABO® system can be tailored to meet your individual needs – whether you simply need efficient tank cleaning or if you require tank cleaning, sludge separation and oil recovery in one integrated process. BLABO® is suitable for both floating and fixed roof tanks.

Compared to manual cleaning techniques, the BLABO® system cleans tanks much more safely and quickly. A distinctive feature of the BLABO® system is its closed loop cleaning system, which heavily reduces the impact of tank cleaning on the environment and provides near 100% hydrocarbon recovery.

Is the Blabo® system suitable for your tanks?

For difficult-to-clean tanks
such as

Crude oil
Heavy fuel oil (HFO)
Heavy gas oil (HGO)
Ballast water
Catalytic cracker residue
Slop oil
Rail tanker etc.

Tank capacity

Up to 200,000 m³
(Up to 1,240,000 bbl)

Tank diameter

30 – 100+ m
(98 – 308+ ft)

Contact us

Benefits of the BLABO® technology

Reduced time

• Up to 80% reduction of tank cleaning time (compared to manual)
• Shorter overall tank down-time

Minimal environmental impact

• Minimal waste disposal necessary
• Near 100% recovery of hydrocarbons
• Minimal hydrocarbon emission to atmosphere due to closed-loop cleaning
• Lower consumption of water, electricity and air

Cleaning result

• Unique indexed washing pattern covers complete tank interior surface area
• Re-circulation of cleaning media during desluding

Safe cleaning process

• No staff inside tank during cleaning process (non-man entry system)
• Continuous monitoring and automatic shutdown features
• No risk of explosion
• Minimal health and safety risks to staff
• System complies with ATEX (other standards upon request)

Read more about safety measures in the BLABO® system/process

Personal safety

• No staff inside tank during cleaning process (non-man entry system)
• Minimal health and safety risks to staff
• Thorough safety training of operators

Read more about safety measures in the BLABO® system/process

Easy maintenance

Easier tank maintenance after cleaning

Follows legislation

Designed for present and future environmental, health and safety regulations

Highly flexible

• Modular system can be tailored to customer needs
• Expandable, as customer needs change

Lower costs

Overall tank cleaning costs reduced – see the cost/benefit analysis

Oreco A/S . Oldvej 1A . DK-3540 Lynge . Denmark . TEL. +45 4332 0200 .

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