Oreco NitroGen™ - General information

Nitrogen generators for oil tank blanketing

User Benefits

Delivery types

  • Fully Containerised, mobile solutions, fitted into 20’ HC containers
  • Skid-mounted solutions
  • Trailer-mounted solutions
  • Tailor-made complete stationary plants
  • Supply of components for stationary installations


Matching your specific needs with adjustment possibilities up to 99.9%


  • Skid-mounted and tailor made plants matching your capacity requirements
  • Containerised solutions: Up to 500 Nm3/hr with a purity of up to 99.9%

Electric power supply

Current and frequency: Available in 400V/50Hz or 440/60 Hz (Altitude above sea level 1-1000 m).
Other on request.


Working environment: From -20 deg Celsius to 40 deg Celsius.
Recommended working temerature above 0 deg Celsius.
High ambient temperature version up to 50 deg Celsium on request.

Separation technology

Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA).
Two parallel separation units containing Carbon Molecular Sieves (CMS)

Safety features

  • PLC based control, panel integrating warning signals and constant monitoring of Nitrogen quality
  • Gas sensors
  • Oxygen sensor (optional)

Scope of supply

A complete installation requires air intake filters, compressor, refrigeration dryer, air buffer tank, PSA separation units and produced Nitrogen buffer tank. Optional supply includes high pressure compressors for high pressure applications and or filling station.

Contact us

Oreco A/S . Oldvej 1A . DK-3540 Lynge . Denmark . TEL. +45 4332 0200 . info@oreco.com

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