MoClean® ATS system

Oil tank cleaning system for oil products

The MoClean® ATS Tank Cleaning System is a mobile, self-powered, integrated process that cleans small and medium sized tanks containing white oil, petrochemical products and smaller crude oil tanks.

A key element of the MoClean® ATS system is the combination of Oreco patented Single Nozzle Sweepers (SNS)® and time-proven MoClean®/BLABO® technology. These machines produce low pressure, high impact jets of recirculated tank fluid which efficiently clean all internal surfaces of the tank in a precise computer-controlled pattern, with lower water usage and in shorter time than traditional high pressure cleaning methods. The MoClean® ATS system is self-sufficient for both air and power for the cleaning process, thus eliminating the need for the tank owner to supply these utilities.


Oreco A/S . Oldvej 1A . DK-3540 Lynge . Denmark . TEL. +45 4332 0200 .

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